- Progressive enhancement @ Wikipedia
- Developing a CSS Strategy @ Tech Republic
- What is a good CSS Strategy? @ Stack Overflow
- Overview of Current CSS Layout Techniques @ Particle Tree
- Powerful CSS Positioning Strategies @ graphics.com
- Front-end Code Standards and Best Practices
- CSS Standards and Best Practices
- CSS: Should You Use a Framework or DIY @ Web Monkey
- 100 Exceedingly Useful CSS Tips and Tricks
- 65 Must-Know CSS Strategies and Tutorials @ webitect.net
- 10 Best CSS Practices to Improve Your Code
- 9 CSS Best Practices You Need to Know
- Best Practices – CSS Theming @ Stack Overflow
- Best Practices – CSS Style Sheet Formatting @ Stack Overflow
- Best practices for writing maintainable CSS? @ Stack Overflow
- CSS Frameworks + CSS Reset: Design From Scratch
- Our (CSS) Best Practices are Killing Us
- CSS Typography: Techniques and Best Practices
- The amazing em unit and other best practices
- CSS Best Practices for Team-Based Development @ microsoft.com
- CSS Best Practices for Large Scale Web Site @ Stack Overflow
- Why Programmers Suck at CSS Design
Published: February 8, 2012