Web forms allow users to send data from their web browser to a server on the internet. The server receives the browser’s request, processes the data, may take other actions (send email, save data to database), and sends a response to the browser.
Creating forms
Insert a <form> tag.
— Set the tag’s action property to the URL of the server which will receive the data.
— Set the tag’s method to GET or POST
Insert <input> tags and other input-related tags inside the <form> tag.
Insert a Submit button, or use an image.
Importance of naming inputs correctly
Each of the <input> tags (and other input-related tags) must have its name property set to a specific name that the server requires.
Importance of method (GET or POST)
Set the form’s method property to GET or POST, depending on what the server requires.
Form input elements
<input> and related tags:
- Text Field
- Text Area
- Checkbox
- List/Menu
- Radio Button
- Button (Submit, Reset, Other)
- Image Field
Special cases:
- Hidden Field
- File Field