XAMPP is free. It is available for Mac, Windows, and other platforms.
- Download
- Install
- Mac: open the DMG-Image, drag-and-drop to the Applications folder
- Windows: …
- Start
- Open the XAMPP control panel
- Click buttons to start Apache, MySQL, ProFTPD
- The Apache server should now be running.
- Test
- Browse the Apache server home page:
- http://localhost
- localhost always means “the web server running on my computer”
- localhost is the same as:
- Secure
- Insecurities in the default XAMPP package:
- MySQL administrator (root) has no password
- MySQL daemon is accessible via network
- ProFTPD uses password “xampp” for “nobody”
- PhpMyAdmin is accessible via network
- MySQL and Apache running under same user (“nobody”)
- Windows: …
- Use
- Use with Dreamweaver:
- Create a Site Definition
- Local folder, same as usual: some folder where you keep the working copies of your files
- Remote folder is “remote” in the sense that you “upload” to the “remote” folder using FTP, however, the “remote” folder is actually on your computer
- Remote Folder Location: the folder containing XAMPP default home page
- FTP Address: localhost
- Username: nobody
- Password: xampp
- Subfolder: …?